Hey! Show me you’re here!

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Dog reading a book

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267 Responses to Hey! Show me you’re here!

  1. Emma Rodriguez says:

    hey Mr.Hadley it is Emma

  2. trevor says:

    hey mr. h bi the way nice puppy

  3. Robin Landers says:

    Hi Mr. Hadley, Jordan was showing me your blog (very impressive) and I was reading information about you and never knew you were born in Texas. That is where I am from! 🙂

    • charles.hadley says:

      Yep. I’m an Army brat. My dad was stationed there and we lived there for a few years. I’ve only been back once. I’d like to get back again.

  4. Kaitlin Young says:

    Hello I’m here

  5. Kaitlyn H. says:

    Hi daddy, I’m here.

  6. Ellie Munroe says:

    hi its crazy ellie……i gess im supposed 2 say hi….so umm hi!!!!by the way i need 2 be crazy!!!!!!

  7. Ellie Munroe says:

    hi its ellie again!!nice school years these years!!!!lets have a party!!!!!!

  8. mckayla says:

    hey mr. h im still alive miss having fun in class but im still having fun here at santa nella.well tried split pea soup for the first time and it kinda tasted like bacon(weird).sitting in the car is soooooo BORING.cant wait to come home, but i still want to stay in lovely santa nella.oh, can you say hi to kaitlyn y.well i think i spelt her name wrong,cali is soooo WONDERFUL.well, i just cant stop writing.cali has so many rolling hills.this must be my past time.i feel like im writing a story.well if you want to talk just post a comment on my blog

  9. Ellie munroe says:

    I says im here!!!!Hello world and mrHadley!!!!!HI!!!!!!SMILE…..& I love school!!!!tell the class we ROCK!!!

  10. trinity shannon says:

    hey hadley waz goin on?????????????????i am going to work on my project pretty soon i still dont know who i am going to use though i wrote a list of the names that we learned today while we were in social studies!!!!!!!!!!!!! r u going to move me tomarrow???????i am not trying to bug u i just really want to know when i am going to move because all billy , robert , gavin and cesar ever do is talk talk talk and it really distracts me so please just let me know when or show me tomarrow ok well byeeeeeeee

  11. trinity shannon says:

    whaz up ellie monroe

  12. Riley says:

    Hi teacher

  13. trinity shannon says:

    hadley is neil armstrong an american

  14. Riley says:


  15. Ellie munroe says:

    Hi!!!!Again.If you are going too Disney Land soon go on the Tower of terror!!!!(By the way,try finding characters)I dont know if you are but i have a feeling you might though.You are a great teatcher by the way.

  16. James#1 says:

    Hello Mr.Hadley why does the dog have to wear glasses?wait I`m not done how can it read?and it should lose those treats!

  17. Jordan says:

    hi (mr.hadley your cool) i like pie.

  18. lindsay says:

    hey! sup MR.H.

  19. michelle says:

    Hi Mr. H

  20. lindsay says:

    Hey Mr.hadley! when will we be moving desk’s? will you do it tomorrow or or over the weekend?????!!!!!

  21. Jordan says:

    again i like pie!

  22. Ellie Munroe says:

    What’s up dude….i mean Mr.Hadley:-)just typing away on my dads touch phone galaxy s!!!:Oam i braging!!!!hi !!;-)go Diego go!!!:-D:-D o_O :-C home work …sad…

  23. Emma Rodriguez says:

    im here

  24. lindsay says:

    hey! whats up Mr.Hadley,emily,trever,and everyone else!

  25. lindsay says:

    Is anyone online!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????

  26. lindsay says:

    hey go to you tube and type end of the worldHD!!!!!!!!

  27. lindsay says:

    its so cool!

  28. trinity Shannon rocks says:

    i am awsome and i know it i love friday and i will always love friday

  29. Ellie Munroe says:

    Hey.I will sing a song right now!!!!Go granny it is your birthday!!!!!(-:Thank you!!!I’m watching you Kaylena…….ruff ruff!!!!!!!!Gggrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!And Trevor,Jordan,Robert,Katie,James,Trinity,and most of all Mr.Hadley!!!!!!!Dun,dun,dun!!!!!!! ) -:…….whatever!!!!!

  30. Ellie Munroe says:

    Poor dog…looks tired!!!

  31. Ellie Munroe says:

    Hey everyone……………..dot dot dot,i love typing dot!!!!!See what I just did there????!!!Any way,I want you all to know that I have an invisable boy friend!!!!His name is Espio and he is from Mexico!!!!!!!!!Hey that rhymed!!!!!!I do not know where he is though……he is alsow a chamelion!!!!!Wait…cant chamelions turn invisable????Ohhhh I already said that..,I am so breaking up with him!!!!!!!!!!GGGrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  32. Ellie Munroe says:

    Hey Charles!!!!!I mean Mr.Hadley!!!!!!!!!!!!Hola senoritas and omigos!!!!!!!!!Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee…………eeeeeeeeee………ee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!tgfrrgtgt!!!!!!!!!

  33. Ellie Munroe says:

    I am hungry and in a truck.)-:Can anyone lend me a pankace ??!!:-(

  34. Ellie Munroe says:

    I mean pancakes.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:-D

  35. kaylena hoag says:

    hey everyone I saw Ellie @ Albertsons! i also saw pancakes there too! And cakes and …and everything, it was really mind breaking!:) 🙂

  36. Ellie Munroe says:

    Im having a party and only one friend came, and thats kaylena. She ran into a wall! It was so funny! 🙂

  37. kaylena hoag says:

    i had a blast at Ellie’s party! She was right i did run into a wall! 🙂

  38. kaylena hoag says:

    But i have bruise on my forhead! 🙁

  39. Ellie Munroe says:

    Ya…..it is not pretty!!!!!! 🙂

  40. kaylena hoag says:

    Hey Ellie i cant wait until school!!!!!!

  41. kaylena hoag says:

    I know me neither! 🙂

  42. Ellie Munroe says:

    Kaylena your so funny!

  43. kaylena hoag says:

    Ok, Ellie i got to go,bye! 🙁

  44. Ellie Munroe says:

    Ok, kaylena, bye! 🙁

  45. kaylena hoag says:

    Ok, bye! 🙁

  46. kaylena hoag says:

    Hey Ellie! i called you

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