2016 Conference Schedule!

Fall conferencesealss are quickly bearing down on us.  They will be different this year.  We have moved them closer to the beginning of the year so we can focus on goal setting with your student.  Conference week is 10-26 through 10-28.  Almost a whole month earlier!  I look forward to meeting with all of you to discuss the needs and goals of your kids.  Please click the link below and enter your name in the time slot that works for you.  If none of the available times work, please email with a time that would.


Thank you,


2016 Fall Conferences

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Up Coming Field Trips

We have two fantastic field trips coming up.  Next Thursday, the 29th we journey to the Lava Beds National Monument.  We have 5 chaperones so far.  We could use a couple more.  Please let me know if you’re interested.lava-beds







On October 5th we go to Crater Lake.  We are looking for at least 5 more volunteers for this one.  This is a hiking based trip, so bring your fitbit and walking shoes.  Please let me know ASAP if you can join us for this one.

Thank you!download


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2016-17 Daily Schedule

hadley2016 schedule a

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Welcome Back!

Dear Parents and Families- Sept. 6, 2015

Whew!  Where did summer go?  The days are already getting shorter and the nights cooler. I am excited to welcome you back to school!  I hope you and your family had a fantastic summer.   We have some amazing opportunities this year.  Our class is in what used to be the computer lab.  Students will be maximizing the technological resources available to us.  Google classroom will be the foundation of our school day.  Kids will collaborate on assignments, turn in projects, and do homework all from the google classroom environment.  Students will use the website opened.com for video lessons, interactive games, and assessments.  Kids will also continue to have access to mobymax and ixl as in the past years.  Please check out our class website, blogs.district6.org/charles.hadley for information, links, and updates.  Working together, I’m sure we’ll have a great school year.

Behavior Expectations-

Fifth grade students are expected to come to class everyday prepared to work hard, give their best effort, and have fun.  We also need to be respectful to all students, teachers, and staff here at Central Point Elementary.  The three school rules are-

  1. Be Respectful
  2. Be Responsible
  3. Be Safe

In addition to these three school rules we have three classroom rules-

  1. Keep comments positive
  2. Bring all books and materials to class
  3. Participate in class discussions respectfully

During the first few weeks of school we will learn what each of the expectations are and how they look in the classroom.  We will also discuss the consequences if we choose to break a rule.  These include, but are not limited to-

  1. a warning
  2. 5 minutes from recess
  3. 10 minutes from recess, PBIS visit, parent contact   


We will be using a “flipped classroom” homework model this year.  Students will be assigned a instructional video, assessment, or interactive game via google classroom or opened.com.  These will be used to set the foundation of the next day’s lesson.  Students will watch, play, and complete these assignments at home, allowing me to focus my class instruction on the individual needs of each student.  The videos and assessments also allow you to see what is being taught in class and how it is presented.  In addition, unfinished work and at home reading (reading log) will be included in daily homework.

Reading Log

Strong reading skills are essential for a strong education. Like riding a bike, reading takes practice, practice, and more practice to become fluent. As part of our nightly homework, students are asked to read 30 minutes per night. They are free to read anything they wish during this time. The key here is that they are engaged in reading and reading well. Please have your child fill out the reading log to document how much they are reading at home and have you initial nightly.

Classroom Website

Nearly everything you need to know about our classroom appears on blogs.district6.org/charles.hadley, our classroom webpage.  You can watch tutorials, print forms, watch for special events, and much more. To get to the webpage, go to District6.org and follow the links to schools, CPE, and classrooms, or simply go to blogs.district6.org/charles.hadley.  We use the webpage a ton, so check it out tonight and bookmark it!

Major areas of study

Instruction is based on the National Common Core Standards with an emphasis on American history, literature, math, writing, and community service.  We’ll work in art and science whenever possible.

I look forward to working with your child and you this school year.  Together we can help your child reach his/her fullest potential.  Please feel free to contact me by stopping by the classroom, email at Charles.hadley@district6.org, or by phone 541-494-6500.  

Take care,

Charles Hadley

Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.

-W.B. Yeats  


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2016 Oregon Coast Adventure!

The 2016 Oregon Coast Adventure is almost upon us!  I’m missing several permission slips and could use a few more parent volunteers.  If you already have a volunteer packet on file ( I’m sorry but there is no more time for parents without one ) and would like to join us, let me know.  Attached are the permission slip and a packing list.


Thank you,



Permission slip


Packing List

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Save the Date!

sunset bayPlans for the 2016 5th grade coast trip have been underway for months now!  It is going to be AWESOME!  We have been prepping kids with behavior expectations and academic requirements to go on this trip.  It is scheduled for May 25th-26th.  More information will be posted here and sent home in hard copy soon!


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Spring Crater Lake Field Trip!

crater lake in winterMonday, April 4th is our next field trip. We are going to snowshoe at Crater Lake!  We leave school at 8:00 sharp, so please have your student to school on time.  We return at 5:oo, please have arrangements made to pick up your student then.  We are eating lunch there, so a sack lunch is needed.  If you need the school to provide a sack lunch please let me know.  At this point I only have 1 volunteer and could use at least 5 more.  If you’d like to skip work and come play in the snow, let me know!



Packing list


Permission slip

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Conference update

Dear Parents and Families,

Due to an unforeseen issue, we’ve had to adjust our conference and exhibition schedule.  Exhibition has been moved to Wednesday, March 16th from 1 to 2:30 and 6 to 7:30.  Traditional conference slots are available on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday.  If either of these days works for you and you would still like a traditional conference, please contact me at Charles.hadley@district6.org and we’ll work something out.



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Welcome to 2016!

Image result for snowy mountains        Welcome to 2016!  This is always my favorite time during the school year.  This chunk, January to March, is the longest uninterrupted time of the school year.  This is when I see the most exciting gains in our kids.  It is also a great time to check and restock school supplies.  Please take a few minutes to check in with your student and make sure they have what they need, and that their binders are clean and organized.

Students are making the next rotation in their Language Arts and Math classes this week.  The new math unit is fractions.  The best way to help your student through this unit is to make they are confident with the multiplication table.  This speeds up the reducing fractions and creating common denominators.

Finally, we have a field trip coming up in a few weeks.  January 19th we travel to Science Works in Ashland.  More to come on this trip soon!

Happy New Year!




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December Update

Dear Parents and Families,

Wow! December 14th already! It seems like September was just yesterday. We are days away from Winter Break and soon the new year.
​Tomorrow, we walk down to Crater for a performance of the Nutcracker. Thursday is our awards assembly at 8:45. On Friday we will have an informal, low key party at the end of the day. We will watch a Christmas movie and have snacks. We could use some plates, napkins, tortilla chips, and drinks. Please let me know if you can help us out with any of these.

Thank you,




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